Coffee maker

Coffee maker

Coffee maker   Life without a good coffee is simply not possible … so now you can even enjoy it in style! Really hot and delicious black coffee, prepared with the first German steampunk coffee maker, is the best choice for long workshop nights or a round with...
Plasma Swirler

Plasma Swirler

Plasma swirler Based on the invention of Mr Junophor and his research in the field of high voltage modules (plasma- converters),… CAROL ROSSI …my workshop has succeeded in boosting plasma power by creating plasma turbulence. With the help of a wall clock...
Tesla Coil

Tesla Coil

Tesla coil It should be harmless, simple and fascinating not only for children but also for adults who want to learn how things work in the world of Mr. Tesla. Simple: because only a handful of components are necessary. Harmless: because there will be no danger of...
Artemia Aquarium

Artemia Aquarium

Artemia aquarium This is the first time in the history of Steampunk-Design that we were able to bring to bring sea monkeys to life! After several setbacks and failures, I have finally succeeded in building a complex tank in which to grow sea monkeys. The high salt...


Biosphere   Almost every steampunk has the same problem- to finance all the big projects in your head you must first sit for many hours at your desk to earn the money. Must first sit for many hours at your desk to earn the money. Often the office is dismal and grey....

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