Tesla coil
It should be harmless, simple and fascinating
not only for children but also for adults who want to learn how things work in the world of Mr. Tesla.
Simple: because only a handful of components are necessary.
Harmless: because there will be no danger of shock or sparks.
Fascinating: because it is simply amazing to hold a light bulb in your hand that glows by
Up to now over 30 Tesla coil kits have left my workshop, mostly for student projects in Germany, but some have been shipped as far as Israel and the United States. Nikola Tesla is an inspiration even many years after his death and invites everyone to build upon what he developed and invented!
Wooden box
Power supply 12V 1000mA
Stainless steel ball
PVC pipe 21cm x 4cm
Copper enamel wire 0.22 mm
Solid primary coil wire 1.5 mm
Large heatsink
Power transistor TIP 41C
Diode 2x FR 207
Capacitor 16V 220μf
Resistor 22K
The operation of a simple Teslaspule once very simply explained.
The video was taken at a workshop at the 3rd Steampunk Erfutreffen in Ulm.
Thanks to the film team of EinsPlus and especially to Rene.