Tube Radio

Tube Radio

Tube Radio   Since the honorable Horatius Steam, during an inventors meeting, said that a cosmopolitan man can not live without this novel invention for the reception of electrical Ætherwaves, I decided go to my workshop and built one. Material: Franzis radio set...
Modern Tube Radio

Modern Tube Radio

Modern Tube Radio The idea for this came one evening at the bar during the EHSM (Exceptionally Hard & Soft Meeting) in Berlin. CAROL ROSSI I sat comfortably with Horatius Steam and a beer and we talked about an interesting interview with a Russian inventor who...


Ætherplayer   This steampunk Ætherplayer is based on an idea by, and in the style of, my colleague Horatius Steam. The way it works and the sound quality created by his invention convinced me that I had build my own. Unfortunately, the possibilities for implementation...


Multimedia-Center /DAMPFDRUCKRADIO   After the Raspberry Pi 2 was released with much more performance power, I wanted to build an improved version of my Ætherplayer. As is often the case some other ideas and additional features have been added. First of all, I added a...
Mechanical Wings

Mechanical Wings

Mechanical Wings   The idea that I would one day build my wife a set of steampunk wings was obvious- the question was HOW? She defined the criteria very quickly, but the implementation was still very difficult. As is often the case, you sometimes carry a problem...

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