by Moeller123 | Jul 23, 2017
Musical Tesla coil An electrifying 500,000 volts produce well-known jingles at a deafening volume. The elemental forces of thunder and lightning have always filled man with either fascination or pure fear. But with this Tesla Coil and its 50 cm long bolts of lightning...
by Moeller123 | Jul 23, 2017
Plasma swirler Based on the invention of Mr Junophor and his research in the field of high voltage modules (plasma- converters),… CAROL ROSSI …my workshop has succeeded in boosting plasma power by creating plasma turbulence. With the help of a wall clock...
by Moeller123 | Jul 23, 2017
Tesla coil It should be harmless, simple and fascinating not only for children but also for adults who want to learn how things work in the world of Mr. Tesla. Simple: because only a handful of components are necessary. Harmless: because there will be no danger of...
by Moeller123 | Jul 21, 2017
Teslaspule Ungefährlich, einfach und faszinierend sollten Sie sein … Auch oder gerade für Kinder, aber auch für Erwachsene, die lernen wollen, wie es in der Welt von Herrn Tesla zugeht. Einfach, weil nur eine Hand voll Bauteile nötig ist, um Sie zu bauen....
by Moeller123 | Jul 21, 2017
Plasma-Wirbler Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen von Herrn Junophor und seiner Forschung im Bereich von Hochspannungsmodulen (Plasma-Converter),… CAROL ROSSI …hat es meine Werkstatt geschafft, angeregtes Plasma in Rotation zu versetzen, und somit die...
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