

A new artifact has left the Steampunk Design Workshops and received a new place on my desk.
As most of you probably know a steampunk has countless ideas and projects just waiting to be realised. The problem is that not all of the needed parts are readily available or the project just needs to mature and ripen. It is my experience that some ideas need a few months of planning until they are really ready to be implemented. During this period, it is imperative that ideas are not forgotten or, worse still stolen, by curious colleagues. They must be logged carefully and highly secured. I have, for this very purpose, developed this sketchbook.

It has double protection. The first is a combination of four switches, each with 4 gears, thereby resulting 265 possible switch positions. If the right one is found, the circuit is closed and the PICAXE starts to work. Now the second security system kicks in. The correct sequence of knocks must be applied!
If this code is entered incorrectly a fitting melody is played and an 80 second countdown begins. Only after this countdown is a new attempt is permitted. When the right combination is found a different tune will be heard, and the book will open. If you want to close the book you have to simply press a small hidden button.

Journal of blank or lined paper
Grolier Grande
Picaxe 08M Module
Piezo switch 4x 4way
Servo micro
Nokia BL-5C rechargeable battery
Brass pipe 3mm
Brass pipe 2mm

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