Nixie Clock

For 2372 days or six and a half years I have been involved with the steampunk scene, and am an active maker and inventor.

I have never learned so much in my life in such a short amount of time as I have in this period: be it in the field of computers and programming, electronics and circuits, or in technical and craft skills.
And the more I learn, the more certain I am that I will never be able, in my remaining lifetime to understand all these fantastic crafts, and certainly never be able to use them all in my own way and style.
And so, time trickles away, unstoppable and much too fast, but at least you can display it in an incredibly beautiful and fascinating way with this Nixie Clock.
It is my newest piece of jewelry, and it is quite likely that the Nixie tubes I used are already older than I am, and will even outlive me by years!
A glass bell also reminds one, every hour on the hour, to hurry and learn something meaningful or complete the current project.

Nixie clock kit from
Housing of a mantel clock
IN-8 Nixie tubes
Glass bell from W38 phone

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