Wireless „Freifunk“ Router

At the Maker Faire 2015 in Hanover, the exhibitors of Freifunk Hannover came to me and asked if I would like to build a wireless router in steampunk style.

Of course, I agreed and was promptly given me a new router.
Now it was up to me to turn this gift into something grander. After careful consideration, it was clear that I could only make it my own by the shaping of the antenna. My research lead me to omnidirectional antennas. Here you can choose between the designs Cloverleaf and the Skew-Planar Wheel. I opted for the Skew-Planar Wheel design and the result has turned out incredibly well in terms of both performance and design.


TP-Link WR841N
Radio tube
LED. Copper wire
Copper & brass parts

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