
Esteemed gentlemen,
Today I present to you an amazing new addition to the world of Steampunk!

The Writing Hand.
This animated hand is able to extract important messages from the infinite Ætherstream Twitter and electronic Telegrams.
After the extraction, it will start to write them down. No longer will you miss those important messages a colleague sends via the Æther when tinkering at your work bench.
The plasma energy generated in the glass dome will be sent via the high voltage transmitter directly into the hand. It is able to search the Ætherstream for upcoming news, and write this down stylishly and with accurate precision.

GEBE receipt printer 6862
24V 6.5A power supply
Serial – USB converter
Reduction gears
Anatomical hand
Brass oil lamp
Plasma Ball
3-way LED color changer
Glass dome 28cm/38cm
Beechwood board 30cm
Photo Cardboard
Crackle glaze

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